Laser Safety Laser Safety Program Implementation Steps

  • Register Laser or lasers.
  • Take the EHS On-line Laser Fundamentals and Safety Training.
  • Write Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for each laser (see SOP template & Example), and email a copy to the laser safety officer for approval.
  • Receive Laser Specific Training (on-site laser operation and laser safety) from a senior laser operator, and document the training on the "Laser Specific Training Documentation Form".
  • Conduct laser self-inspection using the "Laser Inspection Form". The laser safety officer will conduct laser safety audit to lab with Class 3B or 4 lasers.

Notes: The SOP, EHS laser fundamentals and safety training certificates, laser specific training documentation form, and the annual self-inspection form must be kept together in a binder in the general vicinity of the laser. The EHS laser fundamentals and safety certificates are not available for those who have taken the training prior to February 2010 so are not required to be in the binder.