COVID-19 Updates
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety is fully engaged with Penn State's integrated effort to keep faculty, staff, and students safe. This page is dedicated to providing information on the University's efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 and personal actions to help protect yourself and others on campus.
- For the latest COVID-19 news and updates from the University, visit
Click on the topic link below to access EHS COVID-19 updates.
Pandemic Safety Officer | General Resources | Cleaning Resources
COVID-19 Pandemic Safety Officer
Pandemic Safety Officer Roles and Responsibilities - In coordination with the Unit Executive, the unit-specific Pandemic Safety Officer is responsible for implementing the COVID-19 safety procedures within their respective unit workplaces and buildings. This document outlines the roles and responsibilities associated with the Pandemic Safety Officer. (8/07/20)
Pandemic Safety Officer List – This list identifies both the primary and backup Pandemic Safety Officers for all University locations. Contact information is provided for each individual. (08/23/22)
COVID-19 General Resources
Cloth Mask and Face Covering - General guidance on the use and care of cloth masks and face coverings based on updated University COVID mitigation resources. (8/18/22)
COVID-19 Supervisors Instructions for Assessment and Reporting - The following guidance has been prepared in coordination with University Health Services and Occupational Medicine. These instructions guide supervisors and Pandemic Safety Officers to assess the impacts of a suspected COVID-19 case in their unit regarding closing work areas and potential cleaning and disinfecting before re-opening. An online COVID-19 Case Reporting Tool is available for supervisors to report COVID-19 cases. (7/16/21)
Pandemic Supply List - This guidance outlines the pandemic supplies available to order from Penn State General Stores via Penn State eBuy. The document provides specific application guidance to direct users to the proper selection of supplies as well as to the General Stores catalog numbers to facilitate ordering. (7/21/22)
Classroom Guidance for Instructors - Health and safety guidance for instructors is available on the Penn State Keep Teaching Website and FAQs. (7/16/21)
COVID-19 Cleaning Resources
Cleaning Guidelines - Refer to OPP Custodial Operations webpage for updated information. (7/16/21)
Betco GE FightBac - A general-purpose cleaning and disinfectant product that is pre-mixed and Ready-to-Use (RTU) by any Penn State employee/student. No PPE is required for general use. RTU disinfectant is available to order from Penn State General Stores via Penn State eBuy. (7/16/21)
Cleaning Guidelines - Computer and Related Products - Guidance provided for personal care and disinfecting sensitive electronics, computers, and related products. (7/17/20)
In addition to these resources, please refer to the OPP Custodial Operations webpage for additional cleaning and decontamination procedures, specifically the Procedure for Cleaning and Disinfecting Infectious Areas.